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Books from new authors that I will be reading this month.

As I told you in a previous article that you can find right here I have decided to start a new blog series that's called "It's your time to shine" where I buy and read some of new authors and debut novels to help out authors that don't know how to promote their book. 

In fact if I will think that the book is too good to be true it will be linked and have a permanent spot at the end of all my blog posts. Everything that you need to know to enter is in the article liked up. 

So the books for this month are three because I have a lot of other books to read for school and just a little bit of time: 

Waiting to Breathe by [Grcevich, Chrystal]Between Two Minds: Awakening by [Wright-Hammer, D C]Demon's Destiny: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 1) by [Bailey, Sarah]

This are the books that I have decided to read for this month and at the end of it or the first days of April there will be the review. 
The generes that I am into in this period are romance and Dystopians so I have tried to mix them all, I have decided to get this ones because I think that the concept behind them is something that I have never heard of and I can't wait to try them out, keep in mind that I am Italian so a lot of the books that are sold here are so much more different than in the UK or the US because the market is so difficult, like all my twitter followers, so maybe it can sound something not interesting to some of you but it is for me because I am used to different things, actually there are not that many dystopians in Italian on the market. 

So, I hope you like my idea and follow the rules on the article linked at the beginning of this one to know how to have the possibility to be here too, and if you applied for the previous giveaway but I didn't choose you don't worry, some of you are in the list anyway but I just had to buy the books in relation to the time I have available to read them. 

Have a good day and come back soon on this blog to know the review on the books and maybe who knows, there can be some interviews to the authors, stay tuned!

Links to the books:
Between two minds:
Demon's destiny:
Waiting to breathe:


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