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Why you should read classic books and some suggestions.

Classic books are one of the most difficult category of books that you can read.
They are called ''havy'' in the italian language because sometimes they have some difficulto words or too old expression that you have to search because the most of the time you don't know the meaning.
They are hard and sometime quite boring but they need to be like this.
If you consider two books, a contemporary books, let's take for example Jamie McGuire's ''Beautiful disaster'' and George Orwell's 1984, we have a kind of love story in both of the books, however, the concept that Jamie tells in her beautiful thing are totally wrong, they teach to young girls that your boyfriend should be aggressive, way too jalous als if the main characters of the story are not even in a relationship, I hope that who read that book could relate to me, so it is full of wrong concepts that teach just wrong things.
We have 1984 that is a classic, there is some sort of love story between Winston and Julie but it's not a tossic one, it does not teach to young people bad stuff, it teaches things that can happen in the future and happened in the past.
If you want me to talk about a beautiful disaster leave me a comment.

Image result for classic books tumblrSo the reason why I suggest to read classic books is because they teach, also if they seem boring at the beginnng and maybe not only in the beginning but when you've finished them you feel something, you feel that something is going wrong in this world, you felt how relationships were in the past, they were healtyer, they were pure, unlike this day that they are internet-based, you lived in another life for that pages and you've learnt something, you learnt new concepts, you learnt new words, you know now that there are new citys in the world and not just the big ones.
You know.
With classic books you learn.
You expand your mind.
You feel the same things with contemporary books just when they are written soo good, when everything that is happening in that pages is described fully, and it's not just a bunch of events written on a pice of peaper and probably you are not even understanding anything.
So that's why you should give a possibility to classic books.

Now I am going to suggest some easy ones that anyone can start from:

  • The call of the wild by Jack London, the story is good and the writing is easy
  • A tale of two citys by Charles Dikens, same as before
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell, you will understand something more about politycs.
And if you want something a little bit difficult I suggest:
  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
  • Frankentein by Mary Shelley 
This are the reasons why I suggest to give a possibility to classic books, they are worth it, you will learn something and you will encrease your culture.


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