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Showing posts from April, 2019

Your life as a book tag

I tried to come up with blog ideas and something fun that popped up in my head was to try to respond to a tag, a book tag. It's been a while since I have brought an article about books in my blog, but since I have a little bit of time and I can write some articles I thought it could be fine. So, I've chosen the "Your life as book tag." I don't know who first did it, I just found it in a picture on google images, so if you know who is the creator let me know in the comments and I'll make sure I'll write it here. The first question is: the letters of your name as the title of a book. K: well can't think of any books with the K L: L o Hobbit A: A lice in wonderland R: can't think of a book that starts with the letter R E: E nchanted by Heather Dixon N: N onostante tutto ti amo ancora (yes, it's a book in italian, I hope it counts) Count your age along your book shelf, what book is it?  Another book in Italian, I read in English b

Why did I decide to publish with a pen name?

Every time a writer finds himself writing and wanting to publish his work he starts to think if to use his real name or a pen name.  Well, I am one of those that decided to use a pen name, in fact, Klaren O'Connor is not my real name but a name that I've been using since I was like 12 for quite everything, to subscribe in games, to talk in room chats, and also my friends started calling me Klaren, I just loved how this name sounded and I thought of using it for my books.  Now, the reasons why, I have a lot of reasons why I decided to publish my books with a pen name instead of my legal name and the first one is privacy.  Obviously, I've never thought about becoming a super famous writer, with million of sold copies, I thought it was a lot if I've sold fifty, but still I didn't want my name put out there, since I am also on social medias, I have a twitter account, a YouTube channel (that I don't really use), an Instagram account, I have this blog, I ju

N26, Your free bank account.

Hi guys, thanks for having clicked on my post today.  I wanted to share something with you.  First of all I am sorry that I am not posting a lot lately but school is killing me and now that I am in easter break I obviously got sick, anyways, today I am here with a different type of article because we are talking about a free bank account.  I have been using N26 for a year now and I just love it.  N26 is a German bank and I think they work just in the European Union, so if you're outside of the EU probably you can't order it but they are expanding and they will be soon delivered in other countries outside of the EU.  By the way, this article is not sponsored, the bank doesn't even know that I exist, I was thinking about making different articles, and this one popped up in my mind.  Anyways, I have the free version of N26 the transparent one, I'll leave you the site so you can check it because I don't feel comfortable in putting my card here: N26 si

My new book: Still holding on, your motivational coach.

MY BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER.  I hope that you will give it a chance since I am putting a lot of hard work into this.  This will be a book full of motivational quotes for you to stay motivated and to hold on.  All of us feel like giving up sometimes, it happens to the best of us, sometimes we hold on and we keep going and sometimes we don't.  This is meant for everybody that is living a hard time, if you feel like you can't do it anymore, that you are so tired of this, wether you are a student, a dancer, or you're doing something challenging, my book could help you.  I had a lot of expiriences where I felt like giving up an sometimes I gave up, a book like this probably could have helped me.  Read a quote everyday and stay positive.  This is the cover and as always I have designed it myself. You see this tall structure, this tall wall, it seems so big but you are able to climb it.  If you put in mind that you can do it you will do it. 

Recensione kindle paperwhite

Ciao ragazzi, come state? Lo so, è tantissimo che non scrivo un articolo in italiano ma se devo essere sincera la comunity italiana non mi caga minimamente.  Ultimamente ho usato molto Twitter e in un mese ho avuto 2000 followers, non lo sto dicendo per vantarmi, anzi, con questo voglio dire che queste 2000 persone sono tutte amiericane e sono persone con cui mi relaziono praticamente tutti i giorni.  Quindi ho pensato di provare a portare più articoli per loro, e infatti ho avuto moltissimo ritorno da tutti gli articoli che ho pubblicato, molte persone mi hanno scritto in direct per darmi consigli sulla grafica del Blog, in molti mi hanno anche corretto grammaticalmente sempre per aiutarmi a migliorare.  Quindi per questo motivo non sto seguendo ciò che avevo promesso nel post sul 2019, semplicemtente scrivere non mi va più di scrivere articoli in italiano per non avere nessuno che li legge, se scrivo in inglese ho molte persone che mi raccontano della loro opinione, che mi d

How to format your book for free.

This article is not sponsored. As I announced on Twitter, today is the day where you'll know how to format your books for free, having a good result with no trouble at all, no more frustration. As you may know I have published two books, The last beat, which will be available in English soon and Your book of shadows. For all my books the problem was formatting, not even the cover or editing, because I have a friend that's an editor and edits my books for free and I can make covers by myself (if you want one know how from here. ) but formatting, formatting was the worse part, I was always moving the test around to see if it was fitting or not i kept uploading the file and the visualize it with the software that Amazon provides and then publish it when the test looked kind of formatted. I am a student and all the money that I get is from my parents so I couldn't really afford to pay a professionist. My first book is devided in five parts, so it was not a proble

What is my book about

Hello guys,  It has been a while since I have written an article, but I am back,hopefully to be more consistent. Today I am going to tell yo what's my book all about, as you may know I am Italian and I am getting my first book, "The last beat", translated. Since I have school and a lot of other things I didn't have much time lately to keep up with the translation. I hope that it will be done soon, but for now, here is what it's about.  This is the cover I had for the Italian version, it may vary from the English one.  This book tells the story of Clarissa, a Young 20 year old girl that lives her complete normal life, she lives in an amazing villa with her boyfriend Jonathan which is 27 years old and a doctor and she is attending medical school to be a doctor as well.  A day she was bored and decided to surf the deep web finding out a curious site, wanting to know if everything would work, she ends up buying a baby girl from the Deep web.  Her li