Hi guys,
thanks for having clicked on my post today.
I wanted to share something with you.
First of all I am sorry that I am not posting a lot lately but school is killing me and now that I am in easter break I obviously got sick, anyways, today I am here with a different type of article because we are talking about a free bank account.
I have been using N26 for a year now and I just love it.
N26 is a German bank and I think they work just in the European Union, so if you're outside of the EU probably you can't order it but they are expanding and they will be soon delivered in other countries outside of the EU.
By the way, this article is not sponsored, the bank doesn't even know that I exist, I was thinking about making different articles, and this one popped up in my mind.
Anyways, I have the free version of N26 the transparent one, I'll leave you the site so you can check it because I don't feel comfortable in putting my card here: N26 site, this card is completely free, you don't have a yearly subscription like most of the other bank accounts, you don't have to pay any commission to get your money out of the account and you can track everything from the app, and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING.
You can change your PIN from the app also, it can be used with google pay and I am not really sure about apple pay since I have an Android, but it is probably fine even with that.
I got my card in three days from German all the way to Italy, a carrier will give it to you with no payment of the sipping or any other commission.
You just need to subscribe to their website, you take a picture of your identification document and a selfie with it and that is it.
You have the possibility to create spaces (this is the thing that I prefer the most) and with spaces you can detract money from your account and leave them in this spaces so when you use the money you won't use the money in the spaces so you can save them for travelling, for buying a car or whatever you want to save them for.
There is an online chat in the app that connects you with an operator if you have any problems and that's available 24h/7, it has the contactless technology and you can block it from the app if it gets stolen or lost.
It comes with the IBAN code so everyone can send you money, and if you want to send money with a bank transfer you don't have to pay anything (with my mom's bank she needs to pay 5€ for a banck transfer.)
I am not the best person to talk about banks and cards because I don't have that much experience, I have used a prepaid card before I got this and I loved it.
I got it because when I published my book on amazon I needed a bank account where I could put the money, and I can receive the money from amazon with no problem.
Since it's free I suggest that you try it out.
Open yours for free here.
Also, if you use my code ikramr7110 you get to have 10€ free when you spend 15 from the card (not sponsored, if you get the card you will have your own code to send to your friends, and to be transparent if you use mine I will get a small commission that I can invest in my blog.) when you sing up you just need to put the code and you will recive 10€ after your 15€ spent and I will get a commission out of it, :) if you download the app you can do this too.
I hope that you liked this different article, I am planning on bringing more articles different than reading and writing.
If you are courious about what I am going to come up with next stay tuned. :)
Buy my books here (some of the links may be affiliates, even if I don't make a cent out of them they could help me in growing my blog):
Still holding on, your motivational coach, available for preorder (english): https://amzn.to/2DeYN2n
The last beat (italian): https://amzn.to/2I4UHxT
Your book of shadows (english.): https://amzn.to/2KaDy7E
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Just another thing before you go.
All I would ask you just if you want, feel free to even close this article if you don't want to hear anymore is a small donation, as you could know having a blog is not free, I have to pay for the domain, I have to pay for your books and I will have to pay for the images that I would use for your covers, which is totally fine, if it wasn't I wouldn't think about doing it, I know I said that I have the bonus from the government but it won't last for ever, it's just for books and I have university to pay for.
This is not compulsory obviously and you don't have to do it in any means if you don't feel like it or if you feel like you are wasting your money, but if you enjoy my blog and you love everything that I am doing to help authors you can help me too with a small donation to my Paypal account which I will leave here:
Klaren O'Connor
You can use the email, that's fine too, but the most important thing is that you don't have to do it if you don't feel like it or if you don't want to, I will still help as much as I can for as long as I can afford it. :)
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