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As I announced on Twitter, today is the day where you'll know how to format your books for free, having a good result with no trouble at all, no more frustration.
As you may know I have published two books, The last beat, which will be available in English soon and Your book of shadows.
For all my books the problem was formatting, not even the cover or editing, because I have a friend that's an editor and edits my books for free and I can make covers by myself (if you want one know how from here.) but formatting, formatting was the worse part, I was always moving the test around to see if it was fitting or not i kept uploading the file and the visualize it with the software that Amazon provides and then publish it when the test looked kind of formatted.
I am a student and all the money that I get is from my parents so I couldn't really afford to pay a professionist.
My first book is devided in five parts, so it was not a problem for me to move them around because they were just five, but then I had written the second book which is 24 chapters, I started worrying about the format because I knew that it wasn't going to be easy to format it, it was way much more.
I searched the internet and found a lot of browsers, lots of them were like 50€ A MONTH, in my opinion it's a lot and then I found StreetLib.
StreetLib is actually a self publishing platform like Amazon could be and it gives you the possibility to write, format and edit your books for free. here you can do everything, I don't know if it's an Italian site but it can be used in English by changing the language at the left corner at the top of the site.
I have read a lot of books that used this to format their books an they were always so good, there was a problem with two pages and that was it.
This software automatically recognize the chapters and formats your book, you can also decide from a lot of layouts that the site offers.
As soon as you formatted you book and you liked the preview in the upper bar you can download it in mobi (for Amazon) or pdf format, and if you want self publish it from there.
As soon as you formatted you book and you liked the preview in the upper bar you can download it in mobi (for Amazon) or pdf format, and if you want self publish it from there.
I hope this was helpful, when I written my first book this would have saved me a lot of time and frustration.
Good writing,
Buy my books here (some of the links may be affiliates, even if I don't make a cent out of them they could help me in growing my blog):
The last beat (italian):
Your book of shadows (english.):
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Youtube: (I am trying to set up a channel for those of you who don't like to read the blog but prefer watching, don't worry, the blog will be active anyways, subscribe if you want, I will start making videos as soon as I get the right camera and microphone.)
Follow me on social media, I always ask you for some opinions on what you want to read:
Youtube: (I am trying to set up a channel for those of you who don't like to read the blog but prefer watching, don't worry, the blog will be active anyways, subscribe if you want, I will start making videos as soon as I get the right camera and microphone.)
Just another thing before you go.
All I would ask you just if you want, feel free to even close this article if you don't want to hear anymore is a small donation, as you could know having a blog is not free, I have to pay for the domain, I have to pay for your books and I will have to pay for the images that I would use for your covers, which is totally fine, if it wasn't I wouldn't think about doing it, I know I said that I have the bonus from the government but it won't last for ever, it's just for books and I have university to pay for.
This is not compulsory obviously and you don't have to do it in any means if you don't feel like it or if you feel like you are wasting your money, but if you enjoy my blog and you love everything that I am doing to help authors you can help me too with a small donation to my Paypal account witch I will leave here:
Klaren O'Connor
You can use the email, that's fine too, but the most important thing is that you don't have to do it if you don't feel like it or if you don't want to, I will still help as much as I can for as long as I can afford it. :)
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