Since Halloween is on it's way I've started to think about some books that I found creepy that I think you would like to read on Halloween and this came to my mind right away.
I've started reading this book the day before my exams because I was so stressed and I didn't want to think about them anymore.
This book is creepy.
It's so well thought, in my opinion the author is a genius, this book is basically about parents being able to decide to "Unwound" their kids when they are in the age between 13 and 18, they go to the harvest camp where they get "cut into little pieces" and the parts of their bodies will be reused by people who needed them, for example a person that lost an arm could find another arm from an Unwind.
Our main character is called Connor and he has been Unwound by his parents at the age of 16 years old because he was always starting fights at school and his grades were bad, he finds out that he was going to be Unwound because he found three plain tickets for a vacation and they were for his mom, dad and brother, there was no ticket for him.
He decides to run away but stupidly he takes his phone with him and juvey cops find him, he manage to escape again and he meets Lev, another one of the MCs, he just turned 13 and is a thief, which means that for religious purposes his parents decided to unwound him because they had to give one tenth of what they had to other people and he was their tenth child, and he meets Risa, a brilliant girl that had to be taken care of by the state, since there were too many kids they decided to Unwound her.
After a lot of hard work Risa and Connor manage to escape (Lev was brainwashed by his parents that being Unwound was the best thing for him.) and they end up with the Admiral, a person that saves Unwinds until they turn 18 and provides new identities for them.
Since when I was 13 I've been a problematic kid, you know, teen age was not easy for anyone, the only question that was in my mind the hole time while I was reading this book was "If this was real, my parent would have ever Unwound me?" it will make you think about all the mistakes you made when you were between that ages and it will make you think... a lot.
I don't think that kids should be touched by anyone, when you're between that age your behavior will change, you're finding who are you and what you should do with your life, you're finding out things about your personality.
It's completely normal if a kid acts weird when it's around this age, I've seen kids starting fights in high school and be amazing people later, there are hormonal changes and many other things that would make a kid change and it's not completely their fault.
Sometimes parents are just not good parents.
A girl on Goodreads was able to totally describe how I feel about the situation, it's one of the first reviews, I think it's horrible that a parent could think of getting rid of their child, after 16 years or so, it's a lot of time and there were two years left before they turn 18 and they get out of your life if you want them to.
The concept was good but there were still some question marks.
A girl on Goodreads was able to totally describe how I feel about the situation, it's one of the first reviews, I think it's horrible that a parent could think of getting rid of their child, after 16 years or so, it's a lot of time and there were two years left before they turn 18 and they get out of your life if you want them to.
The concept was good but there were still some question marks.
I suggest that you read this book if you're into sci-fi, it's not hard to understand and it's actually genius, I would give this a 9/10.
If you're interested in it the lowest price on Amazon is this one.
I'm still debating weather I should get the next books or not.
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