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Showing posts from November, 2019

Nuova copertina per The last Beat, cover reveal di The last Dance e offerta libro gratis.

Ciao a tutti ragazzi, è un po' di tempo che non scrivo in italiano su questo blog ma rimedierò nel nuovo anno!  Oggi volevo presentarvi, finalmente, dopo quasi un anno, la copertina completa della versione cartacea di "The last Beat" e parlarvi un po' del secondo libro, The last Dance, che uscirà verso metà dicembre, vi farò vedere anche la copertina completa.  Innanzitutto volevo farvi vedere la copertina della versione cartacea di The last Beat, potrebbe essere l'ultima ma se mi seguite da quando ho aperto questo blog saprete che ho cambiato idea tantissime volte. Ci ho messo moltissimo tempo e impegno a disegnare questa copertina e sono abbastanza felice del risultato finale, rappresenta tutto ciò che troverete nel libro, spiaggia e medicina!  Quindi eccola qui fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate.  Ho scelto i toni del rosa perché nonostante tutto ciò che succede nella vita di Clarissa la sua vita è comunque perfetta, ha tantissime persone accan...

The cruel prince, a cruel review (spoiler free review and discussion)

So, this is obviously not going to be that cruel of a review, I just wanted to use this title. Today we are spoiler free reviewing "The cruel prince" by Holly Black and we will also discuss it. So as usual I will start with a spoiler free review and then  I'll warn you when the discussion will start so the non spoiler people can click off and the people that read this book can keep reading. I have a lot of things to say about this book so let's start.  This book came out last year and it took me a while to decide that I actually wanted to try and read it, this is a dark fantasy, I've never tried so many dark fantasy this was so hyped that I wanted to give it a shot. I gave it 3.5 stars, it was pretty good, I was entertained and interested by the plot but it has many issues and things that I didn't like. This book follows the story of Jude a girl that had to witness the death of her parents murdered by a faery that will then kidnap her and her ...

End of the year book tag

It's almost the end of the year and this is so sad for me.  This year was really weird, so many things happened, good and bad ones.  I hope that 2020 is going to be a better one but now let's stop complaining and let's talk about books.  1. A book you didn't finish by this year  First let's admire that I, for once, took this picture.  I always use covers that I get from the internet but not now.  So, I know I just hauled this book and why is it already Dnfed? This book gave me a headache 20 pages in, and 50 pages in I was cringing hardly. Now I know why everybody hates this book.  I am a book dnfer guys, I can't force myself to read books that I am hating, it's unhealthy for my stress levels and also a method to get a reading slump.  Anyways, here is a post where I talk about more books I DNFed this year, this was not there because it's a recent purchase.  2. An autumnal book to transition to the end of the year...

Books I want to read but I'm insecure about them.

As a lot of you before I buy a book I always make sure to check reviews to know whether this book is going to be something that I'll love or is going to just make me waste money.  Books are usually expensive (If you consider the fact that I payed 36€ for The Diviners only) and I'm not trying to waste money, especially for hardcovers and paperback because ebooks are cheaper and I can always go for them.  Today I'm going to talk about some of the books that I want to read but I am really unsure if that is going to be a good purchase or not. The first one is a really controversial book: Zenith.  This book was written by two booktubers and it wasn't appreciated by the community, I have not heard not even one positive review if it's not for Emmabook, she is the only person that I heard saying something nice about this book.  I was intrigued by the cover and obviously by the plot. I have a Scribd membership so I usually get ebooks there, I read a little b...

HUUUGE October haul.

This month my bank account was drained.  I had to deal with my depression because I didn't get in Medical School, and this is how I did it. I bought so many books that I don't even know where to put them. Soo, I bought different generas, if you read this blog before you probably know that my favorite was romance, if you scroll back you'll see mainly romance reviews, but at some point, I just started to hate them, and I'm planning on telling you why I stopped because I figured out the reason. I bought many different books hoping to find the new genera that will steal my heart like romance did once.  if you are interested in any of this books click on the title and you'll be directed to the Amazon link for the cheapest option. If you are interested I'm putting this in because I bought them in october but they are not the main focus, this are Biology, Chemestry and Physics books that I bought to study from to repeat the admission test to medical sc...