It's almost the end of the year and this is so sad for me.
This year was really weird, so many things happened, good and bad ones.
I hope that 2020 is going to be a better one but now let's stop complaining and let's talk about books.
1. A book you didn't finish by this year
I always use covers that I get from the internet but not now.
So, I know I just hauled this book and why is it already Dnfed? This book gave me a headache 20 pages in, and 50 pages in I was cringing hardly.
Now I know why everybody hates this book.
I am a book dnfer guys, I can't force myself to read books that I am hating, it's unhealthy for my stress levels and also a method to get a reading slump.
Anyways, here is a post where I talk about more books I DNFed this year, this was not there because it's a recent purchase.
2. An autumnal book to transition to the end of the year

I love all of these, I think they are really spooky, look around the blog and you can find reviews for them.
3. Is there a release you're still waiting for
I don't have any for this year, or maybe yes I have one which is Queen of nothing but Holly black.
I am really waiting for this book but it's coming out on march 2020, I can't wait, I am so so excited.
But I am actually not waiting for any other book realise.
4. What are three books you want to read before the end of the year.

I spoke about two of these books on this article, you can know what kept me from reading them.
5. is still a book that could shock you and become your favorite of the year
As many of you know my favorite books of the year have been all the books in the Shatter me series, I just loved that series so so so much and I didn't expect it considering the mixed reviews I've heard, that was just surprising and I loved every second reading it.
But I have a feeling that I'll love skyward, so I think that that one probably might shock me.
6. Have you started making plans for reads for 2020
Obviously, after Imagine me which is my most anticipated release of the year I hope I can get to the Hunger games... yes, I've never read these and probably so many others that I can't think of right now.
So this is it for today, I hope you liked it, this was a tag by booksandlala from youtube so if you want answer to the questions in the comments because I would love to know about your reads.
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