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Writing blog vlog

Today I decided to write something different, I will write a vlog of my evening and maybe Night of writing for those of you that would like to know how I write, when and how much.
I will start today, it's wednesday 7:15.
At the moment I wrote 63 pages (A4 format) and my goal is to finish the book by tomorrow.
So now I am going to start and I will update everytime that I need to.

First update, it's almost eight PM and I wrote two more pages, I am at the beginning of page 66, I am going a little bit slowly because I have a lot of descriptions to do at the moment so it's not the easyest part of the book, I am going to take a break to eat and to read a little bit of a book. 
It's almost nine PM and I am at 68, my mom interrupted me to ask me if I wanted to try her cookies, I couldn't say no, so now I will go on hoping not to be interrupted again, I am not tired yet so I think I will be able to keep writing for a long time.

It's almost ten PM and I am at page 70, I am starting to feel tired a little bit, I am going to change my clothes, to take off my makeup and stuff and I am going to keep writing in the kitchen and not in the bed or I will fall asleep, and also my back starte to hurt so I need a comfy position.

It's 10:30 PM and I am at 73 pages, I am making progress and I am not tired yet, there is the possibility that I can be able to finish it tomorrow when this writethon is done, I will keep you updated.
It's 11 PM and I am still at 73, I had to redo a lot of parts in this pages that weren't working out for me.
it's 11:30 I didn't make any progress and I am starting to feel a little tired and my eyes are starting to feel irritated because of the computer lights, I will go on for a little bit and then I think I am going bed.
As I said I feel tired so I need to sleep a little bit, I will see you in my next article let me now if you like this type, bye and have a nice day!


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