It's good thinking about money, we live in a capitalistic society where everything is based on money, so it's just not a bad thing thinking about how much will you earn with your self published book.
So, how much?
Well, it depends, if you are a person that has a lot of Instagram followers, maybe a Youtube channel or a successful blog, unlike me, maybe you will earn more than I earned.
I have heard about people that made from 3000 to 10000$ in the first month with their book but probably they already had a strong platform with thousands of followers that bought the book and recommended it to friends and family, all of this leaded them to selling a lot of copies of the book, and maybe the price o their ebook was even higher, maybe they sold their ebook for 10$, and their fans bought it anyways, with 10$ ebook you will earn about 6 to 7$ per copy sold, that is a lot and it was something that I actually couldn't do.
So, I am here to tell you the truth and not what I think you would like to hear.
I sold my ebook for 3.99€ at the beginning that should be 4.45$, and I got 3 sales in total, yeah, that sucks, I have earned 6,75€ in a month.
I have dropped the price to 2.99€ and no one bought it.
Yeah, that's sad.
I had 345 downloads of free copies. And 4933 pages read on kindle unlimited, this pages will bring me from 16 to 20€ in march, so stay tuned for the update.
I had 127 followers, now 877 on Instagram and not more than 100 views per article on this blog, 36 followers on Twitter (That's where most of my views come from), no followers on Tumblr and Wattpad, 1 follower on Pinterest and about 76 views per photo.
So if your platform is like mine you can't expect more than 10$ of income from your ebook.
That is why now I am investing on my social media, as you can see I have gained a lot of Instagram followers in just a month, that's because I have hired a company to help me out with my marketing plan, actually I have hired a lot of companies, if you are interested in an article where I talk about this let me know.
I have been thinking about starting a you tube channel to increase the visibility and I am translating the book that I have self published.
I am not here to tell you that if it's your passion you would do it anyways because I know that getting payed for our hard work is a satisfying thing, it makes happy, I have been working on my book for 2 years before publishing, and I wish I had better results, but that's what I got and I am still working on it.
The thing is, don't do it if it is JUST for the money, it should start from your passion for writing.
My book in italian:
Information about the book: (in italian)
My book in italian:

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