This book was terrible.
I think this is the lowest rate I've ever given and I don't want to be too evil because the author of the book at the time of the book coming out was 17, she was so young and still has a lot of room for improvement.
Props to her for being able to get published at this young age.
This is the usual novel discovered by a publisher on Wattpad and we follow the story of the main character Eden following the "California dream" she, like many girls her age, has always dreamed of visiting California.
Her mom and dad are divorced and her dad decides to show up in her life asking her if she wanted to go spend some time with him and his new wife and kids in California.
She said yes and as soon as she gets there she hates the place, and at the end California was not what she was expecting.
She meets her stepbrother and he is the one she'll fall in love with.
I'm going to stop here with the plot to avoid spoilers in case you are interested to read it.
I didn't like this book because it is superficial.
It's something that young girls shouldn't look up to because a guy that is an alcoholic, a drug addict and smokes like God knows what is not a more attractive man than someone that doesn't do this shit.
I hate this books that are getting in this young girls' brains all this wrong concepts like toxic relationships are so fun like "Beautiful disaster" I don't know if you remember that awful book.
As always full of bad concepts that nobody should look up for.
The writing was bad as well, it seemed like nobody didn't even edit this book, it seemed like something that a 10 year old could write.
Just didn't like it at all and it goes beyond the fact that I am not enjoying romance lately, like, where are the parents? They are kind of doing nothing to stop this kid from destroying his life, telling him that he can't go out because he's drinking is not going to stop him from going out if you know that he sneaks out at night and nobody sees him.
Lock the doors and the windows, get his keys, if he's drinking too much at a young age what will he do when he'll grew older, do something, now, don't wait.
As you noticed I hated this book and I wouldn't recommend it.
There are far off better books.
I rate this a 1/10 and not planning at all on continuing the series.
If you want to torture yourself here is the cheapest version on Amazon.
I'm done for today, see you in another post.
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