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Book unhaul challenge - some juicy tea - 50 books unhauled

As you read by the title today we are going to unhaul some books. 
These are going to be ebooks that I'll be deleting off of my kindle and books that I am going to throw away from my window.
Just kidding, all the books that I will decide to unhaul I will sell them or give them to someone that wants them, if you are interested to any of this books you can contact me here
I will be following the challenge created by Booksandlala from YouTube.
I hope you enjoy this article and let's begin. 

A book you rated low. 

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These are all books I rated one to two stars and I am really sad to get rid of the classics but I never liked them and I always think of holding on to them for my brother but then I remember that he does Mechanics in high school so it's really not likely that he is going to need any of this books, and if he does he can pick them up at the library. 
If you have been reading this blog for a while my unconditional hate for Beautiful disaster is not new at all, I could have given it 0 stars if I could and you also know that Breaking dawn was not my favorite book in the Twilight series. 
I rated the problem is for ever 3 stars but I'll never reread it so I don't see a reason why I should keep it. 

A book you changed your mind about

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I read Fallen when I was really young and I never passed half of the third book, so that is a series I have never finished, it was too similar to Twilight, it was not that bad but now that is not my genre anymore so I don't want to hold on to it, I have a friend that would love to have the completed series. 
Outcast was a weird book, I liked it at first but looking back at it it didn't make any sense, there are a lot of things that I didn't understand, the world was not well described, it was weird and difficult to understand, at first I liked the story... kind of, but now, it just had no plot and it didn't make sense. 
Me before you, now, I have a reason for this before you kill me or you click out of this post.
So, the major problem with this book was that it was way to predictable, I knew from the beginning to the end how it was going to finish,I din't cry at all and I think there is just way too much hype around it, I rated it four stars and I forced myself into thinking that this had a great message but now... no. 
I get that a person has the right to decide what is best for their lives but this book was telling me that there was no other choice, I think that the life of a disabled person is as worth as the life of a person that doesn't have any condition.
I dropped my rating.
With that, I hated the writing, it was to heavy and just now what I enjoy, I am not planning on reading the other book and I am not planning on rereading this. 

A series you won't be completing

Image result for the vampire academy bookImage result for fallen bookImage result for waiting for you j l armentroutImage result for unwindImage result for did I mention I love youImage result for the bronze horseman

This is all I can think of right now.
So, the Vampire Academy, I read the first one and I actually liked it but unfortunately I went on Wikipedia to read something about the second book and I don't know how I ended up being on the page of the fourth or fifth one and something so bad happens in them so I spoiled the hole series to myself without even wanting to, even tho I'm still curious to know how that bad thing happens I'm still disappointed, for now they will be gone from my physical shelves but I'll be keeping the ebooks just in case, I could get at it again. 
I already spoke about Fallen, I am not interested on finishing the series.
Wait for you, so, I loved this particular book when I first read it, I wanted to get some more from this same author, so I got the rest of the series, I got the lux series, and "The problem with for ever".
I read The problem with for ever and I had some mixed opinions about it, it was fine but I didn't love it, I started Obsidian and I hated it, we'll talk about it later, so I got less interested in the series. 
In Italy we call it the Green series because the covers of the books are green, I don't like books that have different main characters in a series so because of that I got rid of the series. 
Unwind, the first book was fine, I actually really liked it, you'll find a full review here, but I am not really that interested into continuing the series so I'll get rid of my physical copy and hold onto my ebooks in case I want to continue it. 
You can find here a review for Did I mention I love you and you'll definitely know why I'm not finishing the series.
I hated the first book of the Bronze horseman so I'll throw it out of the window and never think about it again. 

A book you DNF'd (Did not finish) 

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A part from Obsidian and Confess all the other books are books that hold a strong meaning, all this books are books that I think I was too young for, books that I couldn't understand. 
Madame Bovary was a book that I had to read for school and unfortunately I did not like it, the style of writing was too much for me, all those descriptions were killing me inside, I was loving the story but it was too difficult to read for me. 
I will definitely go back to it when I feel it's going to be the time, but for now, since I am waiting for a big order of books this is going to leave space for something that I will love more. 
White as silence red as song was, again, a book that I couldn't stand because of how it was written, it was too repetitive and again I was probably too young to enjoy it, for now it is going to go, I don't have good memories attached to it, maybe in the future. 
And same thing for The fault in our stars, I don't have great memories attached to it, and I probably was too young, maybe in the future. 
I first read Lolita when I was 14, I didn't pass 40 pages, this is the same thing as all the others, I was not liking it at all so it's going to go... again, maybe in the future. 

I hated Obsidian, it was a copy of Twilight and I did not like it at all, just too bad, the writing was bad, this was one of those books that were written just to write something, I think I read 60% of it and then I left it, I am so so sorry for who loved it but I certainly didn't, I still read enough to review it so a review will come out soon.
I couldn't pass 100 pages for confess, it was bad, I didn't like the fact that the points of view were all alternated, I just was not getting it. 

I have an article about books that I never finished and you can find it here, you'll find more books and if they are not on this list is because I'm sure I will eventually get back to them.
Click here to read it. 

A book you own multiple copies of 
I don't have multiple copies of any book.

A book you'll never actually get to 

Oh my God, I need to be realistic with myself with this one, let me see. 

Image result for jojo moyes the girl you leftImage result for 50 shades of grey booksImage result for the bad boy series bookImage result for far from you j l armentrout

These are all books that I will never go back and read again.
The first one I don't want to read anymore because of not liking the style of writing of  ''Me before you'', I don't think I'll like this one and I have better things to read right now.
The 50 shades series is something that I am not and actually never was interested in, I got the whole series I think back when it came out and never ever thought of opening one of the books, so this is going.
The bad boy series was bought when I was really feeling to read some romance, I am not in this romance mood anymore and I am not feeling like I want to read these now or ever. 
Another book from J. L. Armentrout, I don't want to support this author anymore so anything from her will be rejected. 

A book you bought because of the hype

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These are some of the books that I got because of the hype, some of them I want to keep but these didn't survive.
I've had them for a while now and I don't see myself reading them, I am not that interested in the plot of both of these books and I'll say goodbye to them but we'll never know what the future holds on for them. 

A book you bought because of the cover

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DON'T WORRY, I am not getting rid of Strange the dreamer but I bought the physical version just for the cover, since I have the book, the ebook is gonna go. 
Dreamology was a book that I got just for the cover, it's really cute I read it, I liked it but I didn't love it.
The other two books are in Italian, I am getting rid of ''La psichiatra'' because I have an ebook and I don't need the paperback, I am not getting rid of my copy of ''Inferno'' I love it so much, you'll have to fight me to have me get rid of it. 

A book you don't know anything about 

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I don't know what this books are.
I will hold on to the ebook copy of ''Delirium'' and ''The language of flowers'' but the physical copy is going away.
I don't know what these books are about but I know that at the moment I am not interested in them but I kinda like surprises. 

A book you didn't buy
Image result for alice in wonderland book

This is the only one but I'll keep it because I can't get rid of gifts. 

These were so many books, oh my God.
I hope that if you love any of the books I unhauled you don't feel attacked, everybody has an opinion and it's totally cool if yours is different than mine. 
I hope you enjoyed this article, see you later.


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